Naked Bath Body Salt Scrub Citrusy Tangerine

Naked Bath Body Salt Scrub (Rs 800 for 200gms) from fabbag.comNaked Bath/Body Salt ScrubI was reading a piece some time back on how the plastic micro beads from the various cosmetic scrubs are becoming a real environmental hazard.  Once you finish with your scrub they get into the waste water.  They are too tiny to get picked up during the waste treatment and as a result are finding their way into the sea creating major issues for sea life.

A great alternative to this is using natural scrubs – where the friction is created by natural substances that are completely water soluble.  After reading this, I have made it a point to buy only completely natural scrubs.  Naked by Lisa Haydon is offers a number of delicious sounding scrubs which use either sugar or salt.

Packaging – Naked Bath Body Salt Scrub comes in a glass jar with a metal screw on lid on top.  The same as a jam jar.  I hate glass packaging.  If you drop it, you can say goodbye to your nice product.  In fact since this is a bath scrub I find it even more painful, you need to open the lid with wet hands whilst in the shower.  Naked Bath/Body Salt ScrubTexture – Naked Bath Body Salt Scrub  is quite thick and dry as compared to a Body Shop scrub.  It feels a lot more abrasive on my skin and actually scratches at the dry bits.  I have oily but sensitive skin, this would work out a lot better on normal skin.   However once the salt melts there is a clear layer of oil that coats your skin.  Really nice if you constantly feel dry.   I have also started melting the scrub a little before using it on my skin, this makes it nicer to the feel, however is an added step.

The label says that you should not use this if you are allergic to Essential oils.  I am not so there is no issue, but you need to take care before purchasing this product.  There is a number of essential oils in the list of ingredients, which gives the skin the smooth cover after using.

Fragrance – As the name suggests, a very nice mild citrus fragrance, just perfect for a wonderfully fresh feeling.  The fragrance does not linger on the body for much time though.  You cant smell it after you are done with your shower. Naked Bath/Body Salt ScrubMy experience

My skin does feel soft and nice if I take the time to melt the salt a little before use.  I definitely like this scrub.  It has a very pleasant fragrance, a mini spa at home. You can also check out the review of Lisa Haydon Naked Potion Lotion.

Overall Thoughts

Naked Bath Body Salt Scrub  is a nice product , I just wish they would soften the salt crystals a little.  I really really wish the packaging was given a little more attention as well.

The limited availability probably means I will not repurchase – given the plethora of options available today.

Rating 3.5/5

*Written By Dela