10 DIY Ways To Use Green Tea In Skincare

10 DIY Ways To Use Green Tea In Skincare

10 DIY Ways To Use Green Tea In Skincare

10 DIY Ways To Use Green Tea In Skincare

Green tea has several skincare advantages and works very well as a beauty ingredient. It can be used effectively as a facial scrub, as a skin toner or simply as a mask.

Facial Scrub: Dry tea leaves can be used to remove dead skin cells and remove pollutants from one’s skin. One can mix 1 tablespoon of dry ground green tea leaves with honey and used this as a face mask.

Toner: Tea can be used as a toner as it has anti-inflammatory properties. It is also beneficial to remove blemishes. To make a green tea toner, one can boil 5 teaspoons of green tea along with 1 teaspoon of mint leaves. Let this mixture infuse. After being infused, one can strain the water and store in a glass bottle.

Anti-Acne Face Mask: Use Green tea as a face mask which is very beneficial in soothing one’s complexion. For this mask, one needs to mix 1 tablespoon of greed tea with the white of an egg and 1 teaspoon honey.

Anti-Aging Face Mask: This mask helps one to reduce the indicators of pre-mature skin ageing including wrinkles, sine lines and age spots. For this mask, one needs to mix 3 tablespoon yoghurt with 1 tablespoon of ground green tea leaves.

Facial Steam: This steam helps the skin regain moisture, relax muscles, remove toxins and boost circulation which helps the skin to look younger and more beautiful. One needs to combine 1/4th cup green tea, ½ cup lemon balm and 1 tablespoon peppermint leaves. For the steam, one must mix all ingredients and pour boiling water over the mixed herbs and take the steam.

Relaxing Bath Soak: This bath aims to soothe one’s body and clean one’s skin. To make this put a few green tea leaves in a thin cloth. This mixture needs to be dropped in warm water.

Eyes Compress: This tea compress is effective to soothe puffy eyes while helping to reduce dark circles. For this compress, one must chill a cup of green tea. Then one can dip cotton balls in the mixture and place them on the eyelids for 10- 15 minutes.

Sunburn Soother: It can also be beneficial in healing sunburns when applied directly on the burnt areas. For this one must prepare green tea and chill it. Thereafter, take a cloth, dip it in the chilled tea and use it directly on the sunburnt areas as a compress.

Bad Breath: It is very useful to reduce bad breath. For this, one needs to infuse 2 tablespoons of green tea in ½ cup boiling water for at least 30 minutes. Thereafter, one must strain the leaves; use the water mixed with ½ teaspoon baking soda to brush one’s teeth.

Strengthening Hair Rinse:  Use green tea to reduce dandruff and stimulates hair growth and makes it soft. For this, one needs to infuse 2-3 green tea bags in ½ litre of boiling water for at least 1 hour. After cooling the liquid, one needs to use it as a final rinse.


*Written By Chand


  • February 14, 2016


    Hi Shalini,
    Very nice tips!!
    I generally read your articles and watch your make up videos. Really amazing and worth trying!
    Keep up the good work! 🙂

  • February 16, 2016


    I didn’t know it could be used as a hair rinse. Got to give it a try.
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  • February 20, 2016

    Aastha Mehra

    Nice post. Amazing blog. Keep it up!!!!